Put Down the Razor and Reach for the Steam
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How It Works

In literally a fraction of the time of conventional means, and four easy steps, SteamBlade will remove window film or vinyl wrap, saving you time, money and frustration.

*Steam is hot. Please consult the owner’s manual for product safety instructions before operating.

Jiffy SteamBlade How It Works Step One

Step 1 
Use a hard card (or razor) to get the film peeled away from the glass in a corner.

Jiffy SteamBlade How It Works Step Three

Step 2 
Using protective gloves (supplied with SteamBlade), gently pull the film away from the window while rotating the steam to both sides of the film.

Jiffy SteamBlade How It Works Step Three

Step 3 
Continue with this process until the entire window is free of film.

Jiffy SteamBlade How It Works Step Four

Step 4 
If needed, use the steam to heat up any residual adhesive remaining on the window and remove with a hard card.